5th Patient Group Pathway Model to Accessing Cancer Clinical Trials and Real-World Evidence Conference

The 2021, 5th Cancer Clinical Trials and RWE  Conference Registration is Open!  The Registration link is:   https://tinyurl.com/CTCONF2021

Over the course of the past several years, Colorectal Cancer Canada (CCC) has endeavoured and made significant progress in fostering patient and patient group partnerships among stakeholders who have been advocating for their engagement in the clinical trial continuum with the goal of increasing patient access to cancer clinical trials in Canada.

Our 5th annual Patient Group Pathways Model to Accessing Cancer Clinical Trials and RWE is virtual again this year and is scheduled on Nov 16 and 17 from 1:00 to 5:00 EST.  This year our theme is Revolution, Innovation and Transformation in Cancer Clinical Trials.  This seminal pan-cancer conference continues to inform clinical trial networks, researchers, industry, and academic trial sponsors, HTA agencies, Health Canada and national cancer patient groups to mention a few.   We have a remarkable list of speakers this year including our Keynote: Greg Simon, former President of the Biden Cancer Initiative.

This year’s conference has following objectives:

  • To acknowledge and share the evolutionary trends in the field of precision medicine and drug discovery and provide insights into the dynamics of patient-centricity as adapted to new trial designs.
  • To educate on and discuss, the evolution of cancer clinical trials across a post-COVID-19 landscape, in both the Canadian and international contexts.
  • To showcase new and novel clinical trial designs and research initiatives that promote personalized medicine.
  • To encourage investment in Canadian Life Sciences by showcasing Canadian innovation designed to improve patient outcomes.

We hope you can join!    Register Now:  https://tinyurl.com/CTCONF2021       Feel free to share…….Registration is complimentary for all!


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