Opportunities with the Canadian Cancer Real-World Evaluation (CCRE) Platform

ARCC is pleased to announce the successful naming of the Canadian Cancer Real-World Evaluation (CCRE) Platform as a Core Network Partner for CADTH’s Post Market Drug Evaluation program. Led by ARCC Co-Director Dr. Kelvin Chan and hosted at Ontario Health (Cancer Care Ontario), CCRE  will generate real-world evidence in response to
cancer-related queries from health-care decision-makers across Canada. CCRE will also have teams in British Columbia (Provincial Lead Stuart Peacock) and Alberta (Provincial Lead Winson Cheung).

Are you interested in being a part of this new initiative?

Positions to work with CCRE will be posted in the coming weeks. Initially, see the below postings and apply  or email Dr. Kelvin Chan (PI of CCRE) directly at kelvin.chan@sunnybrook.ca to discuss further.

Program ManagerThe CCRE Program Manager will oversee real-world evidence (RWE) projects to address questions posed by federal, provincial, and territorial decision-makers about post-market drug safety and effectiveness in oncology. The Platform will bring timely evidence into the hands of decision-makers, enhancing the use of data and post-market evidence to inform decision-making in an efficient, responsive way. This includes designing and conducting real-world utilization, effectiveness, and safety studies with
patient-level data using provincial administrative databases from across the platform.
The CCRE Program Manager will work directly with external pan-Canadian policy stakeholders from CADTH, our collaborators in BC and Alberta, and with our network of scientific advisors with expertise in methods and data to support RWE evaluations.
The CCRE Program Manager will represent the CCRE Core Platform Team in the PMDE Program network and will oversee the program as a leader in strategic planning, resourcing and stakeholder management, and as a people leader. Click here to find out more about this role and to apply. 

Operations Lead – The Lead will play a critical role managing the day-to-day operations of the CCRE platform. The Lead will oversee the management of individual projects by determining project milestones; resourcing, scheduling and tracking project progress; managing project budgets, contracts and agreements; and managing documentation, communication and operational reporting. The success of the Platform in providing timely
and relevant responses to questions from policy stakeholders in Canadian drug  reimbursement will be dependent on the effective project management and operational planning from this role. Click here to find out more about this role and to apply. 


These are exciting new job opportunities, especially for those who are interested in real-world evidence and life-cycle health technology assessment, and are looking for a stable career opportunity at a mid to senior level.

While the internal application deadline for internal Ontario Health existing staff will be on July 7, we will continue to accept applications from external candidates until the positions are filled. We highly encourage external candidates to apply to these positions as soon as possible.


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