Article: Is There Evidence in Real-World Evidence?

“Evidence from real-world practice and utilization—outside of clinical trials—is seen to tailor healthcare decision-making more closely to the characteristics of individual patients, and thus as a step towards making healthcare more personalized and effective.”

A new overview on the potential uses and benefits of RWE has been published by, authored by Partha Anbil of IBM Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice. You can view the article at


1 reply
  1. Mary Argent-Katwala
    Mary Argent-Katwala says:

    I think it’s worth putting Chris Booth’s recent comment in JCO on the CanREValue website because I think it provides a more balanced view of the limitations of real-world data. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.18.02105 Journal of Clinical Oncology, Published online March 21, 2019. PMID: 30897036

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