Entries by Ricky

Project Manager, Cancer Screening Implementation – Cancer Care Ontario

For more information about this job positing, please CLICK HERE VACANCY/POSTE VACANT: Project Manager, Cancer Screening    Implementation              LOCATION/EMPLACEMENT: Toronto, Ontario  STATUS/SITUATION: Permanent Full-Time &Temporary Full-Time No. of VACANCIES/Nombre de POSTES VACANTS: 2 Permanent Full-Time & 1 Temporary Full-Time (14 months)     CLOSING DATE: November 19th, 2015 POSITION SUMMARY/RÉSUMÉ DU POSTE: (more…)

An Introduction to the Cancer Risk Management Model (CRMM) – Webinar

TO REGISTER FOR THIS WEBINAR: Contact Saima – saima.memon@partnershipagainstcancer.ca The Data Use and Publications Committee (DUPC), a subcommittee of the Canadian Council of Cancer Registries, in partnership with the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC), is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar focusing on CPAC’s Cancer Risk Management Model (CRMM) on (more…)

CADTH Drug Portfolio Information Sessions – October 14th, 2015

The CADTH Drug Portfolio Information Sessions are an opportunity to receive an update on CADTH’s Drug Portfolio, including the Common Drug Review (CDR), the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR), Therapeutic Reviews, and the Rapid Response program. CADTH’s Patient Engagement Strategy, Scientific Advice Program, and the alignment of CDR and pCODR (more…)

2016 CADTH Symposium: Call for Abstracts!

The 2016 CADTH Symposium Program Committee invites submissions of abstracts for workshops, panels, breakfast sessions, and oral and poster presentations, related to the theme of Evidence for Everyone: Expanding the Reach of Health Technology Assessment. Abstracts must be submitted online at Call for Abstracts. Submission Deadline: Friday, Oct 30, 2015 (more…)

2015/2016 POGO Seed and Fellowship Grants

Seed and Fellowship applications will be available on September 7, 2015 on the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario’s website. Seed Funding Grant POGO offers annual Seed Funding Grants of up to $15,000 to facilitate or support feasibility studies, the development of preliminary data to enable applications to other granting agencies, or self-contained (more…)