CADTH – Network Meta-Analysis Workshop – Feb. 22-24, 2017 – Ottawa, ON

Location: Dow’s Lake Court Conference Centre, 865 Carling Avenue, 2nd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario

CADTH is pleased to present a two-day introductory workshop on network meta-analysis (NMA) — the statistical method used to compare multiple treatments and their alternatives simultaneously. Led by Dr. George Wells, a world-renowned methodologist and international expert in NMA, the workshop will provide an overview of NMA and its applications, including demonstrations of worked examples and hands-on sessions in which participants will work through real-world examples. An optional third day will cover integrating NMA findings into health economics evaluations and other advanced concepts.

The workshop will be of particular interest to health care and health policy organizations, health technology assessment bodies, the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries, academic and research institutions, health insurance and consultancy organizations, biostatisticians, and methodologists.

For full information on the workshop, please visit the CADTH website.

Registration Deadline – February 15, 2017

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