Canadian Cancer Statistics 2023

Now Available – Canadian Cancer Statistics 2023. This report from the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) shows significant progress is being made to prevent lung cancer, advance early detection and improve treatments for people living with the disease.

The annual report was developed by the Canadian Cancer Statistics Advisory Committee in collaboration with CCS, Statistics Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Developed in collaboration with the Canadian Cancer Society, Statistics Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, with cancer data provided by provincial and territorial cancer registries through the Canadian Cancer Registry, this publication provides foundational information of the impact of cancer in Canada. For example, it shows a projected 239,100 cancer diagnoses and 86,700 cancer deaths this year alone. The full report, along with supporting resources, can be found at

The publication also reveals patterns and trends for cancer statistics in Canada. Notably, this year’s publication reveals lung cancer death rates were declining faster than any other reported cancer type in Canada in recent years. Please see the attached infographic for other key findings from this report.

For more, please visit our media release.

NEW this year is the launch of a Canadian Cancer Statistics Dashboard (dashboard), developed by the research team led by Dr Darren Brenner and Dr Tamer Jarada at the University of Calgary and the Charbonneau Cancer Institute, with funding from the Canadian Cancer Society. The dashboard leverages the Canadian Cancer Statistics publication and its analyses to present cancer statistics in a new user-friendly format with interactive visualizations. These downloadable visualizations enable users to customize statistics and focus on a specific sex or cancer type, and even different age groups or time periods. CCS hopes that presenting cancer statistics in this new interactive format will make them more accessible to the cancer control community and beyond.

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