CanREValue Interim Methods Report Open for Feedback

The CanREValue Collaboration is pleased to open the feedback consultation period for our Methods Working Group report: CanREValue Collaboration Methods Working Group Progress Report on Real World Survival Data.

View the Methods Working Group Report here

Feedback Form

Stakeholder input is essential to the development of a framework for the incorporation of real-world evidence for cancer drug decision-making. We encourage stakeholders to participate by answering the list of consultation questions provided below or to provide any other comments regarding the contents of the report.

To provide feedback and input on the interim Methods report, please use the feedback template. Please submit your completed feedback by 5:00pm EDT on April 19th, 2020 to

Note: All feedback will be collated and our subsequent responses to the feedback will be made publicly available.

Consultation Questions for consideration:

  1. Are there other key biases present within population-based administrative data that must be considered in analyses of comparative effectiveness evaluating survival outcomes?
  2. Are there additional methods that should be included to address the key biases identified when using population-based administrative data to evaluate comparative survival outcomes?
  3. Are there specific questions related to the application of these methods that the final report / manuscript should address?

In addition, please consider:

  1. Are there specific methodological questions with regard to the generation of RWE which you are interested in exploring in the future? For example, what types of methodological challenges do decision-makers face that RWE can address or what problems exist that decision-makers would like RWE to help solve?
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