co-Chair: Brent Fraser (VP – Pharmaceutical Reviews, CADTH)
co-Chair: Erica Craig (Provincial Pharmacy Director, New Brunswick Cancer Network)
The purpose of the Reassessment and Uptake WG is to make recommendations on a formal reassessment process and propose strategies for incorporating RWE findings into policy decisions. Work will focus on developing a reassessment framework to conduct a structured, evidence-based critical appraisal of the clinical, social, ethical, and economic effects of a technology currently used in the healthcare system. This WG will develop a process that outlines how reassessment will be initiated and by whom, along with how reassessment will be conducted, including criteria for reassessment, recommendation outcomes, stakeholders involved, and evidence required for maintaining or revising initial funding recommendations. These tasks will increase transparency and confidence in reassessment, as well as the utilization of RWE evaluations.
Helen Anderson (BC Cancer)
Jessica Arias (Ontario Health)
Darryl Boehm (Saskatchewan Cancer Agency)
Nevzeta Bosnic (PMPRB)
Sylvie Bouchard (INESSS)
Bryson Brown (Patient Representative)
Patricia Caetano (Gov’t of Manitoba)
Carole Chambers (Alberta Health Services)
Michele de Guise (INESSS)
Derek Finnerty (Patient Representative)
Marc Geirnaert (CancerCare Manitoba)
Melissa Hunt (Health Canada)
Gayatri Jayaraman (PHAC)
Barry Jones (Health Canada)
Laurie Lambert (CADTH)
Elena Lungu (PMPRB)
Helen Mai (CADTH-pCODR)
Suzanne McGurn (CADTH)
Gunita Mitera (CAPCA)
Tanya Potashnik (PMPRB)
Anthony (Tony) Reiman (University of New Brunswick)
Trevor Richter (CADTH)
Daniel Sperber (pCPA)
Maureen Trudeau (Sunnybrook Research Institute)
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