CCS/CIHR Action Grants: Proof of Concept Interventions in Primary Cancer Prevention

Registration due date: June 23 2021
Full application due date: September 10 2021

 The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – Institute of Cancer Research (CIHR-ICR), are pleased to announce Phase 1 of the CCS/CIHR Initiative in Primary Cancer Prevention: CCS/CIHR Action Grants: Proof of Concept Interventions in Primary Cancer Prevention.

The intent of this funding opportunity is to, i) motivate Canadians to take “action” by making healthy lifestyle choices that are easy to implement and maintain within their normal living environment and to ii)  encourage “action” among the research and end-user communities to support this effort by harnessing new ideas, technologies, platforms, expertise and perspectives from within and outside the cancer field to test the feasibility of bold, novel interventions with the potential to prevent the onset of cancer.    This one-year funding opportunity is not intended to generate new knowledge, except in areas with an identified gap, but rather to focus the knowledge we already have and stimulate the necessary multidisciplinary and multi-sector collaborations needed to stop cancer before it starts.

Please see the eligibility and requirements section prior to creating an application.

Please look for application instructions on the Canadian Cancer Society Website.

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