The Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control

Changes to ARCC Research Programs

**This message is sent on behalf of Dr. Stuart Peacock and Dr. Kelvin Chan – ARCC Co-Directors**

 Dear ARCC Network Members,

ARCC is entering an exciting time as the Centre continues to grow and develop new opportunities in its second five year term. In the coming weeks we will be letting you know more about some of these new opportunities for Network Members.

First, we would like to share some of the changes that have been going on to ARCC’s research programs. Three of our original Program Leads have stepped down from their roles and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for all their hard work. Arminee Kazanjian, Murray Krahn, and Jennifer Gibson have all played vital roles in shaping ARCC’s research programs and played keep roles in the ARCC’s funding renewal. All three hold multiple leadership roles in Canadian health research and we thank them for their time and effort. We are also delighted that all three will continue to provide advice and guidance to the Co-Directors over the coming years.

Next, we would like to welcome Claire de Oliveira, Dean Regier, Yvonne Bombard and Lisa Barbera as ARCC Program Leads. We are delighted to have such an enthusiastic and dedicated group join ARCC for our next mandate. Of course, we would also like to thank Chris Longo, Craig Earle and Mary McBride for all their ongoing hard work.

ARCC will also be making a change to its research program structure, with the Patients and Families Program being renewed as the Survivorship Research Program. This change reflects emerging priorities identified through the ARCC renewal process, and ARCC’s commitment to research addressing issues across the cancer control continuum.

The new programs and Leads will look like this:

  1. Health Technology AssessmentProgram Leads: Kelvin Chan, Christopher Longo and Claire de Oliveira
  2. Societal Values and Public EngagementProgram Leads: Yvonne Bombard and Dean Regier
  3. Health Systems, Services, & PolicyProgram Leads: Lisa Barbera and Craig Earle
  4. SurvivorshipProgram Leads: Mary McBride and Stuart Peacock

ARCC will continue to focus on knowledge translation across all program areas, and will continue to receive guidance and advice from Melissa Brouwers in this area.

All the best, Kelvin and Stuart

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