Drug Pricing Policy Summit – Travel Awards Available for ARCC members
Click here for Travel Award Application
BioCanRx HQP, Network Investigator and ARCC Travel Award
RE: Drug Pricing Policy Summit, Toronto, November 13-14, 2018
The BioCanRx mission is to build and foster a network that accelerates Canada’s most promising biologically based cancer therapies into clinical trials. Canadian scientists and students involved in the research and development of cancer biotherapeutics are central to achieving our mission, and we believe that staying current with the field and continually updating one’s skill sets are important to your personal success, the network and the entire field. Below is a travel award opportunity for BioCanRx senior HQP, Network Investigators and Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control (ARCC)-affiliated principal investigators.
The third annual Drug Pricing Policy Summit is taking place at the Japanese Cultural Centre in Toronto on November 13 and 14, 2018. Event registration link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/drug-pricing-policy-summit-patients-redefining-healthcare-tickets-48627533261
This year’s Summit theme is Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) where a new vision for health care in Canada will be explored, based on a patient-defined VBHC model. Building on the 2017 Summit where VBHC was introduced to participants, the 2018 Summit will dive deeper into VBHC within the context of drug treatment and will build a work plan for VBHC in Canada, led by patients, caregivers and their allies. The Summit is a space for patients and caregivers from all disease and disability groups to come together to hear from experts and to have their voice heard on ways to improve not only drug pricing processes but more broadly, to define opportunities to address systemic health system inefficiencies across Canada.
Using relevant examples of patients’ experiences with the Canadian health care system across a variety of medical conditions, demographic and geographical settings, and considering various social determinants of health, this year’s Summit breakout groups will apply VBHC principles and ideas from a patient’s perspective to establish a practical and actionable work plan. Work plans will consider optimizing patient experiences and outcomes and reducing health system inefficiencies.
International and Canadian VBHC leaders and early adopters, Summit Working Groups and health system experts will both inspire and contribute to the formation of the work plans over the two days through panel presentations.
Patient group and observer breakout groups will identify existing health care stakeholders who can play a part in moving the work plan forward as well as opportunities to address areas of the work plan where there is unmet support. International and Canadian VBHC leaders and early adopters, Summit Working Groups and health system experts will both inspire and contribute to the formation of the work plans over the two days through panel presentations.
This is an excellent learning and networking opportunity for BioCanRx senior HQP and network investigators, and ARCC members in the cancer immunotherapy space to learn about a patient-driven value-based health care approach in Canada.
Travel awards are for out-of-town participants only. Interested applicants must meet the one of the following criteria in order to be eligible for this award:
- Must be a senior HQP (PhD candidate or post-doctoral fellow) working under a BioCanRx founding or current investigator, or at a BioCanRx Core Facility. To be eligible for this award, you must not have received funding in this calendar year; priority will be given to HQP who have not received previous travel awards*.
- Must be a current or previously funded BioCanRx Network Investigator
- Must be an ARCC-affiliated Principal investigator in the field of health policy, health economics or an equivalent field.
*This criterion excludes those who have received HQP Travel Awards to the Summit for Cancer Immunotherapy, Summit4CI (i.e. you are still eligible for this award if you have received a Travel Award to attend the Summit4CI).
If you are unsure about the eligibility of your particular situation, please contact Megan Mahoney, Manager of HQP Training Programs, at memahoney@biocanrx.com.
Specific Terms of the Award
BioCanRx will provide up to two awards to BioCanRx HQP and/or Network Investigators, and up to two awards for ARCC-affiliated principle investigators. Eligible expenses that can be reimbursed include travel fare, accommodation and meals (excluding alcohol) not provided at the event. Each award will offer up to $1,000 CAD in reimbursement. Please note that BioCanRx cannot reimburse event registration costs. More information about our travel policy will be sent out to successful awardees. The value of the award is reimbursed directly to the awardee following the event.
Awardees must complete a post-event report/feedback form in order to be reimbursed by BioCanRx.
Travel Award Application Deadline: Friday, October 19, 2018 at 11:59PM EST
Awardees Notified: Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Event Dates: November 13 and 14, 2018
Application Procedure
Fill out the application form (see link at top of post) with the required documentation and send your application package to memahoney@biocanrx.com by the deadline of October 19, 2018.
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