“Be a part of Canada’s Applied Research in Cancer Control Conference” Visit the conference page for more information. Event details:Excerpt"Be a part of Canada’s Applied Research in Cancer Control Conference" Visit the conference page for more information.Start dateMay 8th, 2016End dateMay 9th, 2016CalendarConferenceGoogle Calendar iCal feed URL https://cc-arcc.ca/?rhc_action=get_icalendar_events&ID=2274 Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed. Download ICS file Organizer details:OrganizerCanadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control (ARCC)Phone(416) 971-9800 x 2326Emailarcc@cancercare.on.caWebsiteCC-ARCCVenueVenueHilton TorontoAddress145 Richmond Street WestPostal codeM5H 2L2CityTorontoVenue ProvinceOntarioCountryCanadaVenue DetailsVenueHotel TorontoAddress145 Richmond Street WestCityTorontoPostal codeM5H 2L2StateOntarioCountryCanadaInformation |||::
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