February 23, 2016 12:00 pm
February 23, 2016 1:00 pm
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Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Dr. Ajay Aggarwal is a Clinical Oncologist and visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Cancer Policy at King’s College London, UK. He is currently undertaking an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where he is investigating the impact of provider choice on outcomes for men with prostate cancer. His current research interests include cancer economics and the development of strategies for the delivery of affordable cancer care in high and low-middle income countries. In this webinar, he will discuss the relationship between population aging and the burden of cancer by using Mexico as a case study. Mexico typifies the socioeconomic, epidemiological, and demographic changes experienced by other middle income countries.To register visit: www.clsa-elcv.ca/clsa-webinar-series

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