The Data Use and Publications Committee (DUPC), a subcommittee of the Canadian Council of Cancer Registries, in partnership with the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC), is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar focusing on CPAC’s Cancer Risk Management Model (CRMM) on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 12:00 pm EST. The webinar will be delivered by Bill Flanagan, Chief of Microsimulation, Statistics Canada.  The agenda, presentation description and details about joining the webinar will be sent out next week. The French version will follow as well.

Title: An Introduction to the Cancer Risk Management Model (CRMM)

Authors: Bill Flanagan, Keiko Asakawa, Claude Nadeau, Cindy Gauvreau, Saima Memon

The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer in collaboration with Statistics Canada have developed the Cancer Risk Management Model (CRMM) to provide a comprehensive, web-based, decision-support tool that projects population-based health and economic impacts of alternative cancer control programs in Canada.
During this webinar, we will provide an overview of CRMM including types of cancers and control strategies currently modeled, applications of CRMM undertaken to inform the cancer community, and products available.  A brief description of the modeling approach (microsimulation) and model assessment will be given. Model features and outcomes will be illustrated through a short case study on the clinical and economic analysis of cervical screening and vaccination for human papillomavirus. Finally, information on how to access the model over the web will be provided.