We are pleased to invite you to the webinar entitled Understanding the preventable burden of cancer in Canada: findings from the Canadian Population Attributable Risk of Cancer (ComPARe) study. In this webinar, presenters will provide an overview of the ComPARe study, methods, key findings and resources. The webinar will include a discussion on how these findings are being used and ideas on additional ways they can inform cancer prevention policies and programs. The session will provide you an opportunity to ask any questions about the findings of the ComPARe study and their implications directly with the investigators.


Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019

 Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

 Duration: 1 hour


Register now: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2077903/269972989F266F71C46B7525331018B7


What is the ComPARe study? 

The ComPARe study is the most comprehensive and up-to-date study on the preventable burden of cancer in Canada. Through the ComPARe study, we know that about 4 in 10 of all cancers in Canada can be prevented through healthy living and policies that protect the health of Canadians. The ComPARe study estimates the number and percentage of cancer cases in Canada due to modifiable lifestyle, environmental and infectious agent risk factors. The study also estimates how changes to these risk factors through prevention could affect the number of cancer cases in the future.

For any questions, please email the study team at TheComPARestudy@gmail.com.