Program leads: Kelvin Chan, Christopher Longo, and Claire de Oliveira
New and more expensive cancer technologies and drugs are being developed. This has the potential to push budgets above levels the public system can afford. Increased pressure on the healthcare system creates challenges for decision makers, oncologists and patients requiring treatment. To help address these challenges, we are developing Canadian initiatives to improve how we evaluate cancer drugs, for example.
Our Health Technology Assessment Program aims to find ways to help the healthcare system provide effective, sustainable care even as we face a rapidly increasing number of expensive cancer treatments.
Recently Funded Projects
Here are some recent ARCC supported projects in this area:
A qualitative evaluation of the patient engagement process at the pCODR
Principal Investigator: Kelvin Chan – Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control
Co-Investigators: Alexandra Chambers, Linda Rozmovits, Helen Mai
Funding Period: 2016-2018
Comparisons of end-of-life care and costs in colorectal cancer patients in Ontario, Canada and the United States
Principal Investigator: Murray Krahn – University of Toronto
Co-Investigators: Claire de Oliveira, Diarmuid Coughlan, Angela Mariotto
Funding Period: 2016-2018
Impact of smoking on healthcare cost among cancer patients in Ontario
Principal Investigator: Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai – St. Michael’s Hospital
Co-Investigators: Kelvin Chan, Nicole Mittmann, Claire de Oliveira
Funding Period: 2017-2018
Cancer Prevalence and Cost of Care Projections from the National Cancer Institute
The Global Economic Cost of Cancer from the American Cancer Society
Economic Burden of Illness from the Public Health Agency of Canada
Financial hardship of cancer in Canada: a call for action from the Canadian Cancer Society
Tools and Resources from INAHTA
Pharmacare Costing in Canada: Estimated Costs of Proposed National Pharmacare Programs Commissioned by the Canadian Pharmacists Association
Previously funded projects
Here are some of the projects we funded in this area in the past:
Clinical and economic burden of advanced metastatic renal cell carcinoma in Canada
Studentship Award
Student: Sara Nazha – McGill University
Supervisor:Alice Dragomir
Funding Period: 2017
A pan-Canadian study of cancer patients’ out-of-pocket-costs
Principal Investigator: Christopher J. Longo – McMaster University
Co-Investigators: Margaret Fitch, Michel Grignon, Sue Bondy, Jolie Ringash, Winson Cheung, Maria Matthews, Jennifer Jones, Donna Turner, Robin Urquhart, Arminee Kazanjian
Funding Period: 2015-2016
Economic burden of cancer care in Canada
Principal Investigator: Claire de Oliveira – Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
Co-Investigators: Jeffrey Hoch, Murray Krahn, Nicole Mittman, Stuart Peacock
Funding Period: 2015-2016
Phase specific and lifetime costs of cancer in British Columbia and Ontario (continuation)
Principal Investigator: Murray Krahn – University of Toronto
Funding Period: 2013-2014
Pilot study of feasibility and potential cost-effectiveness of intensive speech-language pathology intervention for patients undergoing primary radiotherapy/ chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer
Principal Investigator: Rosemary Martino – University Health Network
Co-Investigators: n/a
Funding Period: 2013-2014
The costs of PSA-based screening for prostate cancer in the Quebec health care system
Principal Investigator: Jean Rousseau – INSPQ
Co-Investigators: Robert Jacob, André Langlois, Roxanne Gagnon
Funding Period: 2012-2014
The Canadian Consortium for Cancer Costing
Principal Investigator: Claire de Oliveira – University of Toronto
Co-Investigators: Murray Krahn, Jeffrey Hoch, Stuart Peacock
Funding Period: 2012-2014
Understanding risk-benefit trade-offs of genomic testing in chemotherapy treatment decisions for breast cancer
Principal Investigator: Deborah Marshall – University of Calgary
Co-Investigators: Yvonne Bombard, Ken Deal, Natasha Leighl, Maureen Trudeau
Funding Period: 2012-2013
Predicting the impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on early stage non-small cell lung cancer using a 15-gene expression signature
Principal Investigator: Natasha Leighl – University Health Network
Co-Investigators: Nicole Mittmann, Keyue Ding, Ralph Meyer, Penelope Bradbury, Frances Shepherd, Ming-Sound Tsao
Funding Period: 2012-2013
Comparisons in costs of end-of-life care in lung cancer patients in Ontario and the United States
Principal Investigator: Murray Krahn – University of Toronto
Co-Investigators: Lisa Barbera, JeffreyHoch, Joan Warren and Robing Yabroff
Funding Period: 2011-2012
Understanding the discrepancies between the expectations of health economists and health policy makers in Nova Scotia: the case of funding decisions for cancer drugs
Principal Investigator: Dominika Wranik – Dalhousie University
Co-Investigators: Adrian Levey and Ana Johnson
Funding Period: 2011-2012
Valuing cancer interventions: is there a cancer premium?
Principal Investigator: Stuart Peacock – BC Cancer Agency
Co-Investigators: Jennifer Gibson and Paulos Teckle
Funding Period: 2010-2011
A pilot study evaluating Canadian cancer patients’ treatment related out-of-pocket costs
Principal Investigator: Christopher J. Longo – McMaster University
Co-Investigators: Richard Doll, Margaret Fitch, Michel Grignon and Amanada Ward
Funding Period: 2010-2011
Creation of a Reference Set of the Health Preference Values in Oncology: a pilot study using the Cancer Care Ontario ISAAC Kiosk system.
Principal Investigator: Nicole Mittmann – Sunnybrook Research Institute
Co-Investigators: Lisa Barbera, Murray Krahn, Stuart Peacock, Natasha Leighl, Jeffrey Hoch and Craig Earle
Funding Period: 2009-2010
Leveraged Projects
Here are some additional projects our investigators and research personnel have been involved with:
Phase-specific and lifetime costs of cancer in British Columbia and Ontario
Principal Investigator: Krahn M
Co-Investigators: Shabbir A, Barer M, Farahati F, Hoch J, Laporte A, Machado M, Naglie G, Paszat L, Peacock S, Tomlinson G
Granting Agency: Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
Years: 2009-2013
The cost-effectiveness of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Principal Investigator: Hoch J.
Granting Agency: Cancer Care Ontario
Year: 2009-2010
Early detection of lung cancer – a pan-Canadian study
Principal Investigator: Lam S
Co-Investigators: Tsao MS, Yee J, McWilliams A, Mayo J, Peacock S, Finley R, Evans K, Sin D, Wan T, Burrows P, Liu G, Tremblay A, MacEachern P, Evans B, Tammemagi M, Goffin J, Roberts H, Shepherd F, Sophrati K, Thenganatt J, Leighl N, Puksa S, Stewart L, Goss G, Nicholas G, Laberge F, Gingras M, Johnston M, Seely J, Manos D, Amjadi K, Martel S
Granting Agency: Terry Fox Research Institute
Years: 2008-2013
Cancer Pharmacoeconomics Evaluation and Research Program
Principal Investigator: Hoch J.
Granting Agency: Cancer Care Ontario
Years: 2007-2012
The cost-effectiveness of cancer drugs funded by the New Drug Funding Program: providing evidence of the value of medicines in delivering expected outcomes
Principal Investigator:Hoch J, Krahn M
Co-Investigators: Bell C, Gavura S, Grootendorst P, Hodgson D, Mamdani M, Peacock S, Sawka C, Sullivan T, Trudeau M, Woodward G
Granting Agency: Drug Innovation Fund of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care
Years: 2008-2011
Genomic, Imaging and Modelling Approaches to Advance Population-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening
Principal Investigator: Tai I
Co-Investigators: Coldman A, Macaulay C, Peacock S, Elwood M, Zeng H
Granting Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Years: 2007-2012
A 2-year follow-up study of the health effects of androgen deprivation therapy in men with non-metastatic prostate cancer
Principal Investigator: Alibhai, S
Co-investigators: Fleshner N, Krahn M, Naglie G
Granting Agency: National Cancer Institute of Canada
Years: 2007-2010
Androgen deprivation therapy in prostate cancer patients: patterns of care, lifetime costs, and cost effectiveness of ADT treatment
Principal Investigator: Krahn M
Co-investigators: Alibhai S, Laporte A, Naglie G, Tomlinson G, Trachtenberg J, Warde P.
Granting Agency: National Cancer Institute of Canada
Years: 2007-2010
A Randomized Controlled Evaluation of HPV Testing for Cervical Cancer Screening
Principal Investigator: Coldman A
Co-Investigators: Davies P, Martin R, Matisic J, van Niekerk D, Ogilvie G, Ehlen T, Stuart G, Franco E, Peacock S, Krajden M
Granting Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Years: 2006-2013
From Disease Gene Mapping to Clinical Practice – A Provincial Program in Clinical Genomics
Principal Investigator: Siminovitch K.
Co-Investigators: Heathcote J, Ozcelik H, Laurent B.
Post-doctoral fellow: Djalalov, Sandjar
Granting Agency: Ministry of Research and Innovation of the Province of Ontario
Years: 2006-2011
Optical Techniques and Oral Pre-cancer Management
Principal Investigator: Rosin MP
Co-Investigators: Garner D, Guillaud M, Hislop TG, Lane P, Le ND, Macaulay C, Peacock S, Poh C, Williams PM, Zhang L
Granting Agency: National Institutes of Health (USA)
Years: 2005-12
Cost-effectiveness of erlotinib for 2nd and 3rd line use in metastatic lung cancer
Principal Investigator: Peacock S
Co-Investigators:van der Hoek K, Melosky B, Taylor S, Johnston K, Cromwell I
Phase-Specific and Lifetime Medical Costs of Care for Childhood Cancer in British Columbia and Ontario
Principal Investigator: McBride M, Krahn M
Co-Investigators: de Oliveira C, Greenberg M, Nathan P, Peacock S, Rogers P
Grant Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Funding Period: 2012-2015
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