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Impact Grants- Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute

Program description

The Impact Grant program is intended to contribute to the scientific idea ‘pipeline’ by supporting significant progression in cancer research programs, from individual investigators or multidisciplinary teams, that are anywhere in the continuum from basic high impact discovery to translational work of direct relevance to the clinic. Impact Grants will accelerate and focus the knowledge gained from scientific findings, in the short or long term, into outcomes that will significantly advance understanding of cancer and improve scientific knowledge, which will result in optimized patient care, improved cancer treatment or reduced cancer burden. Impact Grants are to provide funding to support ideas that promote major advancement in research programs, whether at the fundamental discovery stage (such as studies involving model organisms that demonstrate potential for impact) through to applied research (such as patient or population based proposals). Note that these grants are not intended to support incremental scientific advances and should not be considered a “regular” research grant.

These grants have been created to support large, well-developed programs in cancer research that have the potential to make a significant impact on the burden of disease in patients and populations. Canada’s research community is particularly strong in basic biomedical and translational science, and there has been a recent explosion of new understanding about cell structure and function and the disease process thanks to significant advances in understanding cell signalling, cell biology, genomics, imaging, and many other fields. The goal of the CCSRI Impact Grant program is to provide a mechanism for scientists to adopt innovations and accelerate the application of new knowledge to address problems in cancer research that have the potential for practical application. 

Deadline dates

LOI due date: March 25
LOI results: June
Application due date: September 1
Results announcement: January
Anticipated start date: February 1

For more information about this Grant or to apply CLICK HERE.

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