Long-term outcomes following level three axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer

Long-term outcomes following level three axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer

Association between immigration status & cervical cancer screening: Systematic review & meta-analysis

Association between immigration status & cervical cancer screening: Systematic review & meta-analysis

Identifying barriers to cervical cancer screening among South Asian Muslim women

Identifying barriers to cervical cancer screening among South Asian Muslim women

Cancer Patients’ Perceptions of Continued Smoking and Smoking Cessation

Cancer Patients’ Perceptions of Continued Smoking and Smoking Cessation

A multidisciplinary approach to creating a sustainable cancer care system

A multidisciplinary approach to creating a sustainable cancer care system

Do the general population have a preference to avoid cancer? Results from a discrete choice experiment

Do the general population have a preference to avoid cancer? Results from a discrete choice experiment

Considering a public’s perspective on disinvestment in cancer drug funding: Results from a deliberative public engagement event in Vancouver, British Columbia

Considering a public’s perspective on disinvestment in cancer drug funding: Results from a deliberative public engagement event in Vancouver, British Columbia

The ProCare Trial: a phase II randomised controlled trial of shared care for follow-up of men with prostate cancer

The ProCare Trial: a phase II randomised controlled trial of shared care for follow-up of men with prostate cancer