Program Leads: Yvonne Bombard and Dean Regier
Critical decisions about investment in new health technologies and services should reflect society’s values, not just the scientific data available. More and more, members of the public want to be involved in health care decisions that affect them. This desire stems from public ownership of the health system, concerns over the ability of governments to continue to fund ever increasing levels of service and legal requirements for public input in decision making.
Our Societal Values and Public Engagement Program examines how to incorporate public opinion into health care system decision making. In keeping with ARCC’s pan-Canadian nature the program will also explore the creation of a Canadian Network on Public Engagement & Cancer Control.
Recently Funded Projects
Here are some recent ARCC supported projects in this area:
Patient perspectives of Value Frameworks used to Guide Oncology Treatment Decisions
Lead Researcher(s): Winson Cheung & Colleen Cuthbert
Lead Institution: University of Calgary
Co-Investigators: TBC
Funding Term: 2021-2022
Childhood cancer drug funding in Ontario: A citizen panel approach to identifying public priorities
Lead Researcher(s): Avram Denburg
Lead Institution: The Hospital for Sick Children
Co-Investigators:Abelson J, Bombard Y, Croker A, Fraser B, Gauvreau C, Gibson J, Hayeems R, Moore-Hepburn C, Palmer A, Wilson M
Funding Term: 2020-2022
Individuals’ preferences for using cannabis as a complementary therapy for managing cancer-related symptoms
Lead Researcher(s): Helen McTaggart-Cowan
Lead Institution: BC Cancer
Co-Investigators: Colene Bentley, Philippa Hawley, Sara Izadi-Najabadi, Adam Raymakers, Stuart Peacock
ARCC Program Area(s): Societal Values and Public Engagement
Funding Term: 2019-2021
Connect 4 Health: Needs and Requirements for a Peer Navigation Digital App for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer
Principal Investigator: Jackie Bender – Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Co-Investigators: Norma M. D’Agostino, Abha A. Gupta, Laura Mitchell, Fuchsia Howard, Sheila Garland, Argerie Tsimicalis, Emily Drake, Karine Chaliflour, Anthony Marrato, Nikki Leigh McKean, Adriana Lombardo
Funding Period: 2018-2019
Exploring perceptions, barriers and facilitators to non-operative management of rectal cancer: Developing a "Watch and Wait" approach
Principal Investigator: Frances Wright – Sunnybrook Research Institute
Co-Investigators: Andrea Covelli, Erin Kennedy, Fayez A. Quereshy
Funding Period: 2018-2019
Final Report – Making Fair and Sustainable Decisions about Cancer Drugs (En)
Final Report – Making Fair and Sustainable Decisions about Cancer Drugs (Fr)
The below video produced by Dr. Dean Regier with ARCC support features dialogues from experts regarding making fair and sustainable decisions on cancer drug funding in Canada.
Making Decisions about Funding Cancer Drugs Summary Report 2015 Summary report of CanEngage deliberative public engagement event.
Improving Ontario’s Health System through Patient and Family Engagement from Cancer Care Ontario Report from Cancer Care Ontario
Deliberative Public Engagement: Nine Principles Report from the National Consumer Council
Patient and Citizen Involvement from Health Technology Assessment International
Pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review Patient Engagement Guide from CADTH
Previously funded projects
Here are some of the projects we funded in this area in the past:
Public Genomics: Examining public uptake and use of genome sequencing
Principal Investigator: Yvonne Bombard – St. Michael’s Hospital
Co-Investigators: Jordan P. Lerner-Ellis, Raymond H. Kim, Adena Scheer, Ahmed Bayoumi, Kevin E. Thorpe, Andreas Laupacis, Emily Glogowski, Kasmintan A. Schrader
Funding Period: 2017-2018
Didactic or Narrative? Assessing the effectiveness of video style on breast cancer patients’ view on their workplaces
Studentship Award
Student: Sarah Kehoe – St. Mary’s University
Principal Investigator: Lucie Kocum
Funding Period: 2017
Next generation genomic sequencing and disclosure of incidental findings
Principal Investigator: Dean Regier – BC Cancer Agency
Co-Investigators: Stuart Peacock, Jeffrey Hoch, David Veenstra
Funding Period: 2015-2016
Social media discourse about cancer control: a pilot study
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Gibson
Co-Investigators: Stuart Peacock, Jeffrey Hoch and Scott Berry
Funding Period: 2012-2013
Incorporating individual risk and attitude with an societal economic evaluation framework
Principal Investigator: Dean Regier – BC Cancer Agency
Co-Investigators: n/a
Funding Period: 2012-2013
Testing the feasibility of the analytical hierarchy process to incorporate individuals preferences into their treatment decision making process
Principal Investigator: Nick Bansback – University of British Columbia
Co-Investigators: David Whitehurst, Mohsen Sadatsafavi
Funding Period: 2012-2013
Social media and cancer control: a qualitative study examining the views of policy actors
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Gibson – University of Toronto
Co-Investigators: Stuart Peacock, Jeffrey Hoch and Scott Berry
Funding Period: 2012
Social media discourse about cancer drug funding in Ontario and British Columbia: a pilot study
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Gibson – University of Toronto
Co-Investigators: Stuart Peacock, Jeffrey Hoch and Scott Berry
Funding Period: 2011-2012
Testing the feasibility of the analytical hierarchy process to incorporate individuals preferences into their treatment decision making process
Principal Investigator: Stirling Bryan – University of British Columbia
Co-Investigators: Nick Bansback and Stuart Peacock
Funding Period: 2011-2012
An elicitation of preferences for the allocation of healthcare resources in cancer
Principal Investigator: Chris Skedgel – Capital Health
Co-Investigators: Ron Akehurt and Tallal Younis
Funding Period: 2011-2012
Orienting non-expert stakeholders to resource allocation decision processes for cancer control: an on-line tutorial for improved participation
Principal Investigator: George Browman – BC Cancer Agency
Co-Investigators: Colene Bentley and Louise Zitzelsberger
Funding Period: 2010-2011
Communication Imprecision in prognostic tools
Principal Investigator: Nick Bansback – University of British Columbia
Co-Investigators: Mark Harrison, Paul K. Han, Borsika Rabin
Funding Period: 2017-18
Leveraged Projects
Here are some additional projects our investigators and research personnel have been involved with:
Development and valuation of cancer-specific multi-attribute health states for use in economic evaluation
Principal Investigator: King M
Co-Investigators: Aaronson N, Brazier J, Cella D, Fayers P, Ng W, Peacock S, Pickard S, Stockler M, Street D, Thompson N
Granting Agency: National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)
Years: 2010-12
This project also falls under ARCC’s Health Technology Assessment theme.
Guidelines, Resource Allocation, and Public Education
Principal Investigator: Browman G
Collaborators: Canadian Centre for Applied Research in Cancer Control, Priorities in Cancer Care Network
Granting Agency: Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Corporation
Years: 2008-2011
Disease specific vs. utility based quality of life of measures for lung, breast and colorectal cancer
Principal Investigator: Peacock S
Co-Investigators: Teckle P, van der Hoek K, Melosky B, Gelmon K, Chia S
This project also falls under ARCC’s Health Technology Assessment theme.
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